Plack / Teaching and Learning in Physical Therapy: From Classroom to Clinic 2nd Edition

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Product Description

Edition: 2nd
Publisher: Slack Incorporated
ISBN: 1-63091-068-6 (1630910686)
ISBN-13: 978-1-63091-068-6 (9781630910686)
Binding: Softcover
Copyright: 2017
Publish Date: 02/17
Pages: 456

Teaching and Learning in Physical Therapy: From Classroom to Clinic, Second Edition is based on the teaching, research, and professional experiences of Drs. Margaret Plack and Maryanne Driscoll, who together have over 60 years of experience. More importantly it contains practical information that allows students, educators, and clinicians to develop optimal instructional strategies in a variety of settings. Clinical scenarios and reflective questions are interspersed throughout, providing opportunities for active learning, critical thinking, and immediate direct application. Grounded in current literature, the Second Edition is geared for physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, students, educators, and other health care professionals. By extending the principles of systematic effective instruction to facilitate critical thinking in the classroom and the clinic, and providing strategies to enhance communication and collaboration, the Second Edition has a strong theoretical basis in reflective practice, active learning strategies, and evidence-based instruction.